Ep 23: Top 3 of 2023

In this episode Meagan Hamilton reflects on the highlights of the year 2023, sharing three valuable lessons or themes learned throughout the period. Meagan emphasizes the significance of these lessons for therapists and other entrepreneurs:

  1. Outsourcing (Number Three): Meagan discusses the importance of outsourcing tasks and projects. She highlights how outsourcing, especially in tech-related areas like podcast production, SEO services, and funnel projects, helped her launch the podcast and enhance various aspects of her business.

  2. "Imperfect is Better than Incomplete" (Number Two): This lesson stresses the importance of starting projects even when conditions aren't perfect. Meagan encourages a mindset shift towards accepting imperfections and understanding that waiting for ideal circumstances might result in incomplete endeavours.

  3. "Community over Competition" (Top Lesson): Meagan advocates for community building and collaboration among therapists and business owners. She shares the value of connecting with peers, networking, and supporting each other. This lesson emphasizes the importance of partnerships and referring clients to others, fostering a supportive network.

Throughout the episode, Meagan also expresses gratitude for her audience's support and feedback on the podcast. She shares her excitement about the upcoming year, mentioning plans for her mastermind program, an introductory course, and continued focus on running her group practice and podcast.

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To learn more about Tedi and Searchlight Digital listen to my episode on SEO for Therapists here

The episode is a reflective piece encapsulating the pivotal lessons learned in 2023 and serves as a motivational guide for therapists aiming to build successful private practice.


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Ep 24: Live Private Practice Coaching Call with David


Ep 22: The Wellness Nurse Psychotherapist Tara Tourloukis