Meagan Hamilton, business coaching consultant for therapists and mental health professionals

Ready to grow your own private practice?

Join the waitlist for my LIVE Private Practice Mastermind in fall 2024 to learn everything you need to know about building a profitable, sustainable private practice in just 4 months!

Feeling overwhelmed when building your private practice?

You've probably been thinking “How the heck would we know how to run a business when we went to school to learn to be a counsellor? We didn’t learn how to build and run a business in graduate school” - and that is 100% true!

As therapists, this is something we all experience. By joining my mastermind program you will get specialized support and a team of people cheering you on. I want you to learn from my mistakes along the way and have a place to ask all of your private practice questions. 

If you've been looking for support to boost your private practice, this group is for YOU!

two people sitting at a table with coffee

Build a thriving practice practice of your own.

The good news is you don't need to figure it out alone! I have been a private practice therapist since 2014 and went through all of the painful struggles, hiccups, and hard lessons of building a private practice.

Fast forward to 2018, I created a group practice collective that has been wildly successful. We've branched out to 3 offices in two cities and have over 20 therapists and practitioners. I know what I am doing when it comes to building and running a private practice - and I'd love to help you do the same in my Private Practice Mastermind.

Want to be more organized and in control of your business?

This program is for YOU.

When I first started out I experienced a LOT of late nights watching trying to ‘figure it out’. I watched so many videos, bought products that were not helpful, and still felt overwhelmed and confused. I was trying to get ahead and build my private practice but I was not understanding how to do it.

I was so eager and hungry for this goal but was stumped how to make it happen. 

This program was created to help you skip all of those late nights and have a CLEAR plan to grow.

Here is what you'll get when you enroll:

Marketing & Business Essentials

  • A free copies of "Guide to Getting Started: Marketing in Your Private Practice" & "Foundational Scripts"

  • Ongoing LIVE support Monday to Friday with Meagan and the group to ask ANY private practice questions between meetings (through a secure app)

Coaching Calls & Live Q&A

  • Bi-weekly Group Mastermind Calls that focus on your individual private practice business

  • Group support, Accountability, and Encouragement

  • A 30-minute check in once per month with Meagan to review your individual goals and ensure that you are on track and supported

Resources & Templates

  • Full access to my library of worksheets and documents that I have built to help you with your private practice needs

  • Presentations by experts to answer the questions you need answered: Bookkeeping, Website, and SEO- just to name a few.

  • Can’t find something you need or want an additional resource? I will build it for you.

Now is the time to invest in yourself and your business!

Meagan Hamilton, business coaching consultant for therapists and mental health professionals

Meet your coach!

Hi, I'm Meagan! I am incredibly proud and passionate to be an entrepreneur and business owner. I loooooove private practice and marketing is my jam.

Building a private practice is truly overwhelming… business classes were not part of graduate school. Not only have I started and built my own successful private practice, but I have also spent countless hours and money learning how to market counselling - and not in an icky sales-y type of way.

I  have found tried and true ways to connect with my community and get people on my couch and now I want to help you do the same!

Don’t just take my word for it…

“I have been working with Meagan for the last few months and the support I have received has been extremely helpful. Meagan uses her experience, quick wit, humour, and ability to see my unique big picture in a way to celebrate my dream as a private practice therapist. Meagan helps me see past my own limiting beliefs (some which I wasn’t aware of) and challenges me to stop planning for small growth and start aiming for my ideal dream. She keeps each session on task and if I have any questions between sessions, she is reachable for quick questions or clarification.”

“I had a desire to invest in my business and while my first instinct was to enroll in new training or a new program to offer clients, her confidence in me and my natural skill set allowed me to use my money in a smart way, supporting me as a new business owner. A part of me wants to keep her my secret so I will always have access to her, however her foundation of community over competition leads me to write this review and encourage any new practitioner to hire her as a guide and as a mentor. She has helped lead me as a business owner who just happens to be a therapist. I can’t thank her enough and can’t wait to see where her support leads me over the following months.”

Here’s what you’ll learn:

The mastermind program is a comprehensive dive into your practice and a business edit.

During this program, you will:

Meagan Hamilton, business coaching consultant for therapists and mental health professionals sitting on couch on laptop

Make a plan for your business and have support to see it through

Learn how to market organically and build relations with community partners- without ads!

Learn how to reach more potential clients in your community without spending hours on social media

Know how to really focus on the clients that you want to work with

Understand how to get more community partners that send you regular referrals

Say goodbye to spending so much time stressing about how you are going to fill your schedule

Create better work and life balance

Have a clear plan and develop systems on how to run your business and learn from the experts

Still feeling unsure?

Here are some of the most common FAQ’s to help you determine if this is a good fit for you and your business goals!

  • There truly never is the 'right time' to focus on your business and participate in this mastermind program. I am sure that you have thought many times about making some changes and what I can share is that if you do not start now, then next chance will not be until this course is offered again in 6 months.

  • Yes! Through my application, I link therapists with similar goals and stages of business to ensure that you can contribute and support one another - that this is the magic of a mastermind program!

  • The group chat is there to support you the entire time along the way! Ask any questions and the group and myself will help you to get the answers you need. If you need to meet 1:1 during the program, you can book additional time with me. I am here to help!

  • It is super tricky to make any guarantees however what I can share for certain is that you will learn SO MUCH, substantially improve your business practices, and marketing skills, connect with other therapists. If you participate in the program, you will feel more confident to move forward as a business owner after completion!

More from happy clients & students:

"This program was exactly what I needed to understand where to start and where to go to find people and resources that can help me get started. Just as important, is the support from the other counsellors in the Mastermind program. We became each other's cheerleaders and Meagan was wonderful in ensuring all of us were heard and we all felt safe in expressing what we needed."

"She has walked in our shoes and has learned the lessons that have made her a success. She is very inspirational. She teaches counsellors what they don't learn in school. She demystifies the 'business' part of private practice in a very approachable way. She respects the work counsellors do and encourages counsellors to respect themselves as professionals who deserve to be well paid and to have a career that they enjoy. She teaches specifics about how to get a fledgling practice off the ground, how to get referrals, how to get the clients you want, and how to deal with the administrative and business tasks of running your own business...all things counsellors definitely do not learn in University.”

Together, let's take your practice to the next level!

Join the Mastermind waitlist to be the first to know about the next cohort!